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How Smartphones Became Vital Tools Against Dengue In Pakistan

Brazilian Believers Of Hidden Religion Step Out Of Shadows

Sarin Attack On Syrian Civilians Is A 'War Crime,' U.N. Says

South Korean Soldiers Kill Man Trying To Cross To North

Syria: Does The U.S. And Russia Deal Go Far Enough?


International Visitor Leadership Program

The International Visitor Program offer priceless opportunities to understand the United States and the American people through direct experience, and to make valuable contacts... I am immensely grateful for the insights into the U.S. which this exchange scheme provided. I have drawn on them regularly since then.
-Tony Blair, British Prime Minister

The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) is a professional exchange program of the US Department of State designed to increase mutual understanding between Americans and people of other countries. Since its inception in 1940, nearly 200,000 foreign nationals have participated in the IVLP. U.S. embassies nominate participants based on their professional merit and leadership potential. More than 4,000 foreign visitors participate annually in IVLP projects of up to three weeks, including visits to Washington, D.C. and two or three other U.S. cities. They meet with their U.S. professional counterparts to gain an understanding of U.S. policies and practices and participate in cultural activities during their stay in the United States. Worldwide there are more than 53 program alumni who are current heads of government or chiefs of state.

IAC is a member of the National Council for International Visitors (NCIV), the association that serves as liaison between the U.S. Department of State and individual councils for the administration of the IVLP. Individuals and groups we host in Raleigh range in size from 1 to 25, and come from all regions of the world and almost every country. The programs we attract mirror the economic, educational and political diversity of this region and include programs in economic development, trade, higher education, research and development, pharmaceutical, IT, K - 12 education, local governance, elections & political systems, and biotech, to name a few.  Last year, IAC hosted over 35 groups and more than 250 visitors from all around the world.  The director of IAC's International Visitor Leadership Program, Leila Bekri, has been nominated for Excellence in IVLP at the national conference in three consecutive years, from 2009-2011.

For the Department of State's IVLP website click here.

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